As many of you know, Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu has been touring the country as Family Federation's representative to persuade members to continue to support Mother's leadership and her "wonderful, perfect power." In her talks around the country she has stated her support for Mother changing whatever she wants to in the Cheon Syeong Gyeong since she and Father are "equal." I see a problem with having two "equal" subjects, rather than "subject-object," but that is a discussion for another day.
What I found most interesting in her talk was the way she described Father's and Mother's attitudes towards Hyung Jin Nim. Here is a two minute and twenty second selection from her talk in Minneapolis on December 9, 2015. The first 72 seconds are Mrs. Eu's words in Japanese. The rest is the English translation.
Mrs. Eu re Hyung Jin Nim- Minneapolis, 12-9-2015 |
In this segment Mrs. Eu describes how Father was supporting Hyung Jin Nim's actions as the leader of the Korean Church, but Mother was listening to the criticism of his "Buddhist" practices. Father believed in him, but Mother did not.Mrs. Eu says, "Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, but Mother was different. Mother said, 'No.' "
I have confirmed with brothers and sisters in other states that Mrs. Eu made the same statement about Mother not agreeing with Father's view of Hyung Jin Nim.
We all know that within weeks of Father's passing, Mother fired Hyung Jin Nim from all of his positions in Korea, but her opposition started long before.To put it simply, according to Mrs. Eu, Mother was NOT united with Father's selection of Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor going back MANY YEARS.
I know of a Korean sister who was serving in the Hannam-dong residence of True Parents in Seoul who was in tears when she saw portraits of True Parents being taken down after Father's Seonghwa and replaced with solo portraits of Mother by herself.
Theologians tell us we must believe that True Parents are absolutely "one." What happens when there is clear testimony from a respected elder who attended True Parents from the earliest days and who was married to the church president, that this was not the case? What do you do when the facts conflict with your deepest hopes and beliefs? Do you close your lying eyes and ears or OPEN them and deal with the painful truth?