God can say, "If I had not made humanity, they would not have become the way they are. How could this happen when I was searching for love and longing for the glorious Kingdom of Heaven!" How could this happen? It was because they inherited the devil's flesh and blood. The devil's love was implanted, along with the roots of his life and lineage. God could not possess humanity without removing these things, but if He did remove them they would die. Therefore, God had to set up a substitute as a second creation or medium of salvation through an infusion of new blood, life, and love. CSG, p. 137
Before I discuss Hyung Jin Nim's brilliant exploration in his Nov. 8 sermon of how different reproductive strategies (lineage) impacts our lives, values, and politics, I'd like to express my appreciation to the Family Federation.
Congratulations to the FFWPU!
Congratulations to the FFWPU. After redacting Father's words, now it has turned its editing skills to redacting Mother's words. In the original Korean text of Mother's October 24 speech, she says, "In conclusion, Korea produced the Second Coming of Christ, the Only Begotten Daughter." In the first Japanese translation of the speech, this is also what appears.
But then in the English translation posted on the Cheongpyeong website the word "and" is inserted between "Second Coming of Christ" and "Only Begotten Daughter," resulting in "In conclusion, Korea produced the Second Coming of Christ AND the Only Begotten Daughter."
Seeing the American translation, the FFWPU then issued a revised Japanese translation in which they also inserted an "and." A good example of the mother nation uniting with the Elder Son nation in rejecting the heretical proclamation that Mother, as the Only Begotten Daughter, is the awaited Second Coming of Christ, not True Father.
Good job, FFWPU in America and Japan! Even they know that Mother's new Only Begotten Daughter theology is unacceptable, unbiblical and unprincipled, and therefore the need to "polish" her speech. Also, interesting that the only mention of True Father in Mother's speech is his role as a "gardener" in finding an "udambara" flower. To see the speech in Korean, Japanese, and English, go to: 10-24-2015 Cheongpyeong Speech, (quote on bottom of page 6)
Returning to Hyung Jin Nim's sermon, he began by returning to the previous week's theme of Female Responsibility Avoidance Syndrome, in which women are always portrayed as victims, never as the perpetrators of violence or wrong
decisions. Yet, research reveals that women perpetrate half of all domestic violence incidents . Clearly both sexes have a potential for violence. Since mothers do most of the parenting for young children, there is a real potential for negative impact on children of mothers administering "emotional corporate punishment," out of irritation, frustration or a loss of control. Such children become more likely to engage in antisocial and impulsive behavior themselves.
The cultural bias against men has led to male college students hesitating to date women, out of fear they will be blamed for offending them.
Hyung Jin Nim discusses research about 2 differing reproductive
strategies, quantity vs. quality. Rabbits and antelopes reach maturity quickly, reproduce repeatedly, with little care or investment for each of the offspring with single parenthood as the norm. In an unpredictable environment, with little defense against predators, this "r-strategy" is effective for weaker animal species such as rabbits and deer that are unable to defend themselves. They display little or no sadness when one of their group is eaten by a predator.
Other animal species, such as lions, wolves, and owls, have a "K-strategy," in
which they embrace competition in order to better prepare for recognized threats in the world, have high investment in offspring, have delayed monogamous pair-bonding, and high-in group loyalty. Those who deviate from the honor codes are ostracized in order to maintain unity and order that protects the survival of the pack. K represents "carrying capacity" for larger animals higher in the food chain which reproduce slowly in order to protect offspring and not exhaust limited food sources. Mating partners must prove their worth, often through fights among the males. Such is the case for cuttle fish, except for a few males who pretend to be female in order to mate with the females.
For humans we pass on not just unchangeable genes, but also the "epigenetics" of unlocked traits affected by our choices. Eve's decisions during the spiritual Fall affected her DNA.
K-type humans build civilizations. Competition leads them to prove their worth to the community and to excel. They protect their families from threats and invest in their children at great personal sacrifice. They are willing to provide aid and charity to the deserving poor who have encountered a tragedy.
While they are conservatives who value economic freedom, they on average contribute more to charity. They have strong honor codes.
R-type humans avoid competition. Their motto is "make love, not war." They are opportunistic exploiters and prefer government transfers of resources including "sex subsidies" in which the government incentivizes free sex with payments to pregnant women with no committed husband. They hate ostracism because they don't want standards that would reduce the availability of sex partners and therefore the continuation of their genes.
"R" gene sets proliferate with unstable environments, especially with absent fathers and abusive fathers or mothers. With less parental investment the children reach puberty at earlier ages in order to reproduce in an unstable environment. Research shows they even have smaller amygdalas,
thus reducing their ability to recognize threats and unhealthy behaviors and less ability to empathize with others. R-types prefer sexual freedom to economic freedom, desiring more government aid and sex education that minimizes the risks of uncommitted sex and lowers standards.
Lucifer was an "r-strategist" who advocated fulfilling immediate desires rather than thinking and preparing for the future. This has led to the epigenetics or the lineage of "satan" that True Father denounced so many times. Fortunately, if someone from a satanic lineage encounters Christ, learning new ways of thinking and living, it is possible to change one's epigenetics to God's lineage, from a Free Sex to an Absolute Sex lifestyle. For more about "R gene set vs. the K gene set" strategies, go to
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