Friday, March 4, 2016

Responses to Nikolaus Beutl's 21 important questions to Hyung Jin Nim

Responses to Nikolaus Beutl's 21 important questions to Hyung Jin Nim
(1) Hyung Jin Nim, you already knew at the time of Father’s ascension that your Mother was not united with your Father. The first meeting to prepare the new version of Cheon Seong Gyeong took place already while your Father was still alive on August 23, 2012. In the months that followed it became very clear that your Mother guided the compilation of a new version of Cheon Seong Gyeong. As our international president you had the responsibility to let everybody know what was actually happening because you represented all members who also have the right to know what is going on in the palace. Why did you not inform us?
ANSWER: The extent of the Han Mother’s rebellion was not fully understood at the time you describe and Hyung Jin Nim still hoped to persuade Mother not to go through with her plan. He did not have sole control of public FFWPU events and could not speak in those forums, but he did inform Korean leaders that Mother should not change the CSG. After he was fired by Mother from his position as American president of the FFWPU, he prayed to seek Father’s guidance and informed anyone who came to talk to him individually. This process took many months. After gathering a few individuals he spoke to families, then communities and then through the internet to national and international faith communities around the world.
(2) Hyung Jin Nim, why did you participate in the Foundation Day Blessing and drink the holy wine which was offered at that time while knowing that it is invalid? Doing so brought you like everybody else under the dominion of the fallen archangel, as it is confirmed by Richard Panzer’s announcement: “True Father did not create the ‘Foundation Day’ holy wine. It was fake and therefore everybody receiving it did not become one with True Parents, but with the false parent, Satan...” In this way you also have become one with Satan. How did you escape from that dominion so that you can now liberate others through the Blessing?
ANSWER: After TF’s accession there is nothing more important that the 2nd King wanted to do than to serve TF together with TM. It was this hope, misguided or not, that at the time caused him to not fully appreciate the Satanic nature of the Foundation day blessing. Once the King realized that TM had become the fallen Han Mother who rebelled against the Lord of the Second Advent, he had to take decisive steps to separate from Satan. He made many indemnity conditions, sleeping outside in the freezing cold during the winters in the wilderness, and reaffirmed his commitment to fully accept the mission of the 2nd kingship and TPs which TF had given him. Through this course he became the fully objective vessel to receive the spirit of TF and become the substantial TP on earth to restore all fallen lineages.
(3) Why do you contradict yourself without offering any explanation to clarify what is true? For example, you wrote on February 24, 2013, “We all crossed the finish line of the marathon we ran with True Father! I pray that many blessings may be upon you and your families as we all embark on ‘post-foundation-day’ life!” At that time you recognized the validity of the Foundation Day Blessing as having brought us beyond the finish line to the goal. Now you say that the Foundation Day Blessing is invalid, that the holy wine offered at that time was fake, etc. Are we to believe what you wrote to all American members in 2013 or what you are saying at this time concerning Foundation Day? How do you know in the first place that the Foundation Day Holy Wine was false, and when did you find out?
ANSWER: After TF’s accession the 2nd king struggled to accept the awesome responsibility that TF had given him. He had to undergo a period of growth to fully embrace and affirm the mission and authority that TF and God had given him. Those statements were made during that growth period, and before the magnitude of the Han Mother’s rebellion became evident, and do not reflect the understanding of the King who has matured to fully receive the inheritance given to him by TF and God almighty. With the King’s affirmation of his rightful legitimate position and the full evidence of the Han Mother’s failure, he gained the wisdom to discern the spiritual truth about this.
(4) Jesus said in Matthew 15:11, “What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” How then is it possible that drinking the holy wine on Foundation Day defiled Blessed couples so that they came to stand in a position outside of the lineage established by True Father? Why do you contradict such a fundamental statement of Jesus by claiming that drinking a fake holy wine brought everybody under the dominion of Satan as their parent after they have already been restored to the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall through their previous Blessings?
ANSWER: If it doesn’t matter what goes into the mouth, then why have we bothered taking into our mouths Holy Wine over the past 5 decades? The Foundation Day wine was the physical manifestation of the spiritual corruption of the Han Mother who officiated that event by herself, engrafting participants into her own fallen Han lineage. The corruption occurred not just in the taking of the wine, but in the submission to the fallen Han Mother and her lineage.
True Father says: “We have to think, the only beings existing in the world are blessed couples and blessed families, nothing else. In other words, the blessed couples should consider themselves to be the restored Adam and Eve, who did not go through the fall. The original Adam and Eve were the only ones existing in the world. Centering on true love, the lineage again has been connected to God. That is the kind of pride we should have. Even if you don't think of God and True Parents, it’s okay as long as you have that conviction. We stand in the position representing the vertical and horizontal viewpoint.” (Speech on the 47th Foundation Day. May 1, 2000)
Yes, that is truly what blessed families should be, but we all know that blessed families fall short of God’s ideal. The fact that Father challenged us to take our position as restored Adams and Eves on the local, tribal or regional level does not obliterate the fact that Father clearly stated that he would appoint his heir and successor.
(5) Hyung Jin Nim, you say that all Blessed couples need to return to Father’s authority through participating in the upcoming Blessing. What does it mean to be under Father’s authority? Unless this question is clearly explained for everyone to understand it is irrelevant to speak about returning to Father’s authority. Why have you not offered logical explanations concerning such fundamental points?
ANSWER: Unity with the Han mother and the fallen actions of the FFWP are clearly outside the realm of the TF’s authority. The Han Mother reversed dominion by overruling Father’s clear instructions. She and the FFWP have violated the order of heaven and committed desecrations and betrayals of TFs explicit words, covenants and commands. If she had lifted up Father the whole world would have appreciated his life and ministry. Instead she lifted up her own fallen Han lineage. The betrayals have had universal, cosmic consequences, which have been clearly and logically outlined and discussed thoroughly in the sermons given since “Breaking the Silence.”
(6) On which foundation do you have the right to state, “After that date, First Generation couples will still be able to return to True Father's authority, but only on the condition that they perform the 40-separation and 3-day ceremony following the Blessing”? Such claims are invalid according to the points I have outlined in the previous paragraphs. This applies also to the request that blessed children need to receive the Holy Marriage Blessing for Returning to True Father's Authority by February 13, 2016.
ANSWER: The King has clearly warned all church members that they and their children have cut themselves off from TF’s lineage and has given a grace period for all brothers and sisters to return to TF’s authority. This message has been repeatedly announced in many public forums for over a year. Blessed families who chose to stay with the fallen Han mother and FFWP have separated themselves from TF’s lineage and have joined Satan’s lineage. If one wants to reconnect to God’s lineage from this fallen state one has to do so through the separation period and 3-day ceremony.
(7) Why do you set yourself up as the one who decides whether Blessed children are considered to be Second Generation by stating that those in this category who were Blessed by True Mother on Foundation Day or later, lose their status unless they attend your Blessing by February 13, 2016 because afterwards they can only attend one of his Blessings as First Generation couple? Who gave you the right to remove the status of being a Second Generation from blessed children if they do not fulfil the conditions you have set up to define who is in that position and who isn’t?
ANSWER: He is the 2nd king crowned 3 times by True Parents with the full authority of TPs.
(8) Why have you been ignoring the structure which Father has set up with National Messiahs directly under you? They have been addressed for many years in the second position after the continental directors and before national leaders in every official mail from the Korean Headquarters. Why did you not address them for help when you saw the corruption in the palace? You never reached out to them until today, ignoring like the FFWPU top leadership the central importance of National Messiahship. How can such behavior which shows that you have not united with the foundation your Father has established be justified?
ANSWER: The entire foundation established by Father was destroyed by the Han Mother’s rebellion. Hyung Jin Nim had to separate from her in order to make a new foundation that was not invaded by Satan. Once that was established, the 2nd King reached out publicly with more than 50 sermon messages to all members including the National Messiahs. He is the true owner of God’s kingdom on earth and all National Messiahs who love Father will realize that they should unite with the King just as they had to unite with True Father before his ascension.
(9) Hyung Jin Nim, you say that you have waited for years before you broke your silence because the members would not understand. Why did you not at least try to speak to the around 120 mainly Western National Messiahs who shared with one another in the NM-list group (only for National Messiahs) about serious problems and issues in our Movement? In this way you would have exclusively addressed National Messiahs who each has his or her own personal experiences with Korean leaders. At that time you were the international president. Whom were you representing? Brothers and sisters around the world. Who were their highest representatives under the continental presidents? National Messiahs. So why do you not respect the structure which True Father himself had set up and work with it?
ANSWER: National Messiahs who love Father will realize that they should unite with the King just as they had to unite with True Father before his ascension. This is their own portion of responsibility. The structure of National Messiahs is now in danger of becoming a traitor to TF’s lineage unless they unite with Father’s successor.
(10) Why are you not true to your own words? In one of your sermons in Korea in the early years of your public ministry you emphasized the importance of a leader having also people among his close supporters who disagree with him because otherwise the leader would lose sight of reality. Why do you not respond when your theology is challenged? Nikolaus was told that you and Kook Jin Nim are reading his reflections. Why did you never respond to his critique of your concepts, whereby Lourdes told him that she had sent his questions to you twice last year by email?
ANSWER: The King’s first responsibility is to serve God and His providence, not the wishes of Nikolaus. Other Sanctuary leaders are in regular communication with Nikolaus about many of these issues.
(11) Hyung Jin Nim, you emphasize your special position as Father’s representative based on the Korean term Taeshinja. At you can hear Father say to all members, “You have received the right of succession as representatives of Heaven.” Father uses the word Taeshinja, which means that not only you but all members are Heaven’s representatives and even represent God as Father explained on January 2, 1992 about our position: “I am a total representative of God.’ That is the true way of human rights. That is where true human value and dignity come from.” Should you therefore not be humble in front of Unificationists who are also Father’s representatives and allow their voice also to be heard in your church at the time of giving sermons?
ANSWER: Hyung Jin Nim has listened patiently to more brothers and sisters than any church leader I know. There is a difference between the Boon Bong Wangs who were appointed as “regional Kings” and the 2nd King of Cheon Il Guk. Hyung Jin Nim is the ONLY ONE found worthy by Father to be crowned as the 2nd King and the representative body of TF and TPs. In an unprecedented way he regularly listens to and converses with brothers and sisters each week before and after the Sunday Service.
(12) Why do you not act as a filial and loyal Taeshinja who has inherited his Father’s heart? True Father said about himself: “Even if I were to begin my life all over again, the only thing I would leave behind me is the term ‘True Love.’” (August 11, 2011) That means Father only wanted to leave the term True Love behind at the time of his ascension, the True Love teaching which he has been advocating to the extent that this term appears on average once on every page of his speeches which were translated into English whereas these centrally important words can hardly be found in your sermons. Why do you not share in depth about the True Love Principle which your Father has been emphasizing so much?
ANSWER: The 2nd King has inherited TF’s heart of true love and is working every day to return people to God’s lineage during this time of judgment. In an emergency time one does not speak softly, but with strong words in a loud voice to wake people up. The thousands who gather to listen to him in PA or online each week, hear the voice of True Love. He who has ears to hear…
(13) At the beginning of your public ministry you spoke a lot about transparency and accountability. Why do you not apply your own teaching to yourself? You point to the fact that Father has crowned you as his successor, but are you prepared to lead a completely public life like your Father? You have not been really accessible to brothers and sisters around the world whom you have been representing as international president of our Movement. Even when a couple of hundred Second Generation members signed an invitation letter for you to come to Europe at the time of True Mother’s visit you did not respond to them with a clear explanation why you declined to accept their invitation.
ANSWER: The King is available to talk to members every week after Sunday service. He spends all of his time meeting and pastoring to members. If Nikolaus wants to meet the king, he should come to PA. More than 100 elders and 2nd Gen just came last week from Korea and Japan. Bring the couple of hundred 2nd gen if he wants. The King would be happy to meet with them.
13b. Through your behavior you are saying that all these approximately 300 brothers and sisters who signed this petition do not know the Will of God. You claim to know it better than them, that it is not God’s Will for you to come to Europe, telling them indirectly that they have to accept that without any explanation from your side because you have more important things to do than to respond to an invitation for the sake of reconciliation between your Mother and yourself. Should you as the central figure not show the highest standard of respect and at least explain why these hundreds of brothers and sisters are wrong in thinking that it is God’s Will for you to meet your Mother in a neutral surrounding outside of the Palace in the city of Vienna where many historic ‘peace treaties’ were signed? Even your Father has emphasized the importance of Austria for the sake of bringing people together….
ANSWER: The King appreciates your heart to bring reconciliation in the Unification Movement, but you are not aware of all factors relating to the rebellion of the Han Mother against True Father, nor does he have an unlimited budget to travel all over the world or large staff to take care of his family. If God and True Father lead him to go to Europe, he will do that.
(14) Recently, several long-time members of the forum for free speech “The UC and the Truth…” were banned from that group without any justifiable reasons. The administrators did not present any clear arguments as to which rules were violated by the respective members and they had them kicked out of that community. Do you approve of such a practice on the main site set up to help you in your mission? Does the basic understanding that the accused is normally presumed innocent until proven guilty not apply to your supporters?
ANSWER: The King does not own the forum that you mention, nor does he control or micromanage the administrators. The owners and administrators of the forum in question are free to do what they want.
(15) You have been emphasizing the need for checks and balances also for those at the top. Such a system is not established in the forum for free speech founded by Lourdes. The admins are free to violate their own rules which they have done repeatedly. This fact is confirmed, but nobody is in a position to deal with them and so they are free to continue to violate the regulations set up by them. Do you approve of such a reality or do you agree that such a totally uncontrolled situation of unlimited power of those policing the behaviour of some 4500 members must immediately be stopped? Does this fit in with your idea of a Freedom Society?
ANSWER: The owners and administrators of the forum in question are free to do what they want. Freedom society supports ownership of private property. If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own forum.
15b. Ji-yea nim, for example, posted on her Facebook page on January 26, 2016 content which I compiled in one of Nikolaus’ reflections centred on your Father’s words. She could not post it in the group “The UC and the Truth…” because otherwise she would be also banned from there as it has become a reality for Nadezhda Chirkova who was told, “If you will continue to write the words of Nikolaus, we will be forced to exclude you from the group”. This became a reality soon afterwards and so she is blocked now along with others who have been speaking out in defense of their brother Nikolaus like the mother of Hafey L. Thormarsdóttir. Both Nadezhda and Lenka Lipkova have expressed their desire to learn more about your work and still they are blocked from even reading what is being shared in that educational group. In this way the admins of this group are going directly against its purpose to enable members to find out more about your efforts.
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(16) Richard Panzer wrote on March 30, 2015: “Nikolaus, I appreciate your many thoughtful posts on Facebook…” On June 9, 2015 he wrote: “Nikolaus, I just wanted to THANK you since your invaluable research was incorporated into my recent essay, ‘Mother's Fateful Choice.’ Without your research, it would have been much more difficult for me to have credible evidence for brothers and sisters to consider.” On August 21, 2015: “Nikolaus, I really appreciate your sincere study of Father's words and your generous sharing of that.” Richard has expressed his gratitude for my work on various other occasions including one month ago, “Thanks for all of your research efforts. God bless.” Do you consider it as justified that I am now banned from “The UC and the Truth…”?
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(17) Lourdes Swarts wrote to Nikolaus B. on February 26, 2016, “I truly came to appreciate your sincere heart! Thank you!! You are a true inspiration. God bless you! God bless your good work.” On March 14, 2015 Lourdes wrote: “True Father's sons are reading your letters and quoting you in his Sunday Service. The proof is in the pudding. Hyung Jin Nim says True Father is carrying you in the palm of his hands. Believe in it!” Do you agree with the situation that the person whom your Father is carrying in the palm of his hand was thrown out of the main site established in your support?
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(18) On May 7, 2015 Lourdes wrote to Nikolaus, “I am so grateful that we have you who gives so much truth… you are in such a high spiritual realm… you are so prepared, so sacrificial, so important to God that God reveals to you ... You are a saint. I feel that to my heart. God needs you Nikolaus.” On July 17, 2015 Lourdes shared: “Nikolaus, I hear God speaking to me… I feel we need you as our elder here.” Do you think that the contributions of Nikolaus Beutl are needed in the forum “The UC and the Truth…”?
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(19) On March 13, 2015 Lourdes told Nikolaus: “We need to take this group where God is guiding us. Your profound insights will be a great service to us.” God has been guiding not only your direct supporters but also many other brothers and sisters who shared from their heart in that community. Now some 150 letters from my side along with thousands of comments from members of that group have been deleted which means nothing less than that the testimony to God’s work in the hearts of so many sincere brothers and sisters was completely erased so that nobody will be able to see in the future what they have contributed to the spiritual struggle for the victory of the truth over falsehood. Do you agree with such actions of erasing the result of God’s investment through countless members?
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(20) I suppose that you agree with Albert Einstein who said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch without doing anything.” What the admins of “The UC and the Truth…” have been practicing in respect to banning people from that Sanctuary for Free Speech merely for the fact that they have expressed what their conscience has shown to them is definitely evil. Do you agree that such a practice must be stopped immediately, the expelled members be allowed to return to that group and be given a fair trial as to what their supposed violations are with the right to defend themselves?
ANSWER: If you do not like the rules or administrators of a particular forum make your own. In addition, there are other forums such as the Freedom Royal Sanctuary where open discussions about these issues take place.
(21) There are many open questions in the hearts of countless brothers and sisters concerning the direction you are leading Sanctuary Church. Are you prepared to answer them so that it can be crystal clear why you are saying and doing certain things which are difficult to understand for those who have witnessed your Father acting differently, especially in respect to how he treated those who opposed him?
ANSWER: The King has been answering all questions asked of him. He has patiently and clearly explained to everyone why their relationship with True Father has become endangered and what steps they need to take to return under Father’s authority.

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