Friday, November 6, 2015

The Myth of Female Moral Superiority

If I became half crazy, took off my clothes and urinated right there, I wonder how many would remain. Why? You do not know how terrible the path was that I took. This you do not know. Even Mother here does not know. Therefore, many spiritualist ladies cry tearfully in pity for me. If I do not say this, who would know? You do not know how serious the problems were that I have confronted, and how much I have had to fight with spirit and body. Sun Myung Moon (210-81, 1990.12.1)

All of Korean history was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter. Hak Ja Han, October 24, 2015

You don't have to be religious to understand the value of a strong, healthy marriage and its benefits for children and society. In Sunday's sermon, "The Foundations of CIG," Hyung Jin Nim describes the strong and healthy 4 position foundation as the "SWAT team against Satan," that creates empowered, moral men and women who are the basis of a free society. 
 Every totalitarian society targets strong "pair-bonding" because it fears that loyalty to one's family will diminish loyalty to the state. For that reason Karl Marx and Communist societies sought to undermine the family in order to make people dependent upon centralized government. 
Without unity of husband and wife, Satan invades. This is true for all families. God calls husbands to be vigilant protectors of their household. The number one factor for child poverty, suicide, and delinquency is the absence of fathers. In modern-day America, many men fear taking responsibility. Each gender has vulnerabilities that Satan seeks to exploit. 
Contemporary feminist culture often belittles boys and manhood
   This is also true on a societal level. Some cultures devalue women, preventing them from having access to education or even basic human rights. On the opposite end, western feminists, who dominate much of higher education, blame patriarchy for all of society's problems and idealize matriarchy as the ideal. They see men as the root of selfishness, greed, lust, aggression, violence and war. If women were in charge, they say, we would have charity, selflessness, purity, healthy communication, non-violence and peace. 
     The fact that women perpetrate half of all domestic violence incidents is ignored by these ideologues. Clearly both sexes have a potential for violence. Since mothers do most of the parenting for young children, there is a real potential for negative impact on children of mothers administering "emotional corporate punishment," out of irritation, frustration or a loss of control. Such children become more likely to engage in antisocial and impulsive behavior themselves. 
    Sadly, the Family Federation is embracing much of this ideology. Feminist UTS theologian Andrew Wilson is speaking around the country about the Family Federation's vision of "The Age of Women," effectively endorsing a non-Biblical idolatry based on feminist power analysis. (see my critique
  A new FFWPU lecture series for leadership training in Korea and Japan actually teaches a new version of the Genesis story in which Adam was dominated by Satan first. One can se
e can see why the authors of the FFWPU constitution would not want to include the Divine Principle as a key scripture of CIG since it contradicts this new teaching.  

  In Mother's new feminist theology, all of Christian history and Korean history was waiting for her appearance as the Lord of the Second Advent. In her speech to FFWPU leaders and members on October 24, Mother explained that all "2,000 years of Christian history was to make the foundation to find the Only Begotten Daughter" and that all of Korean history was to "await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter."
     We all have loved and respected Mother, but I know who the Lord of the Second Advent is. Since Mother is raising herself up as the "Lord of the Second Advent" should a conscientious Unificationist just blindly follow this new Han Mother theology? I know what my conscience tells me...
      At the conclusion of the sermon, Yeonah Nim reflected about her own parenting practices and a revealing statement from her 5 year-old son. Here is the link again for this 

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23

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