Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sunday's spirit-filled service

 Before I discuss the above-mentioned revelation, I'd like to draw your attention to Sunday's spirit-filled service in which Hyung Jin Nim discussed the meaning of Christmas. Even though December 25 was not the real birthday of Jesus, which scholars believe took place in early Spring, the early Christians did worship on that day.
            All of us have sinned. All of us need to change our blood lineage through Christ. Despite common portrayals of Jesus as soft and feminized, he came to challenge the false, satanic power structures using force when he needed to. After all, did he not whip the 20 money changers and chase them out of the temple?
            Father also eschewed the palace in favor of the Amazonian jungle or the wide, open ocean, living constantly in the "midbar" of nature where you are not in control. He was constantly making effort to break up monopolies and hierarchies in the Unification Movement.

The ASTONISHING Revelation of Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu

As many of you know, Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu has been touring the country as Family Federation's representative to persuade members to continue to support Mother's leadership and her "wonderful, perfect power." In her talks around the country she has stated her support for Mother changing whatever she wants to in the Cheon Syeong Gyeong since she and Father are "equal." I see a problem with having two "equal" subjects, rather than "subject-object," but that is a discussion for another day.
            What I found most interesting in her talk was the way she described Father's and Mother's attitudes towards Hyung Jin Nim. Here is a two minute and twenty second selection from her talk in Minneapolis on December 9, 2015. The first 72 seconds are Mrs. Eu's words in Japanese. The rest is the English translation.
Mrs. Eu re Hyung Jin Nim- Minneapolis, 12-9-2015
Mrs. Eu re Hyung Jin Nim- Minneapolis,
In this segment Mrs. Eu describes how Father was supporting Hyung Jin Nim's actions as the leader of the Korean Church, but Mother was listening to the criticism of his "Buddhist" practices. Father believed in him, but Mother did not.Mrs. Eu says, "Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, but Mother was different. Mother said, 'No.' "
        I have confirmed with brothers and sisters in other states that Mrs. Eu made the same statement about Mother not agreeing with Father's view of Hyung Jin Nim.
        If you think about it, this is incredibly revealing. Mother's rejection of Hyung Jin Nim was evident to Mrs. Eu and others long before Mother fired him, after Father's Seonghwa, from his positions as Korean church president and other responsibilities. Her disapproval of her youngest son was taking place AT THE VERY SAME TIME that Father insisted that Hyung Jin Nim along with his wife be crowned as True Parents' heirs and successors in 2008 and 2009, with a written proclamation that anyone opposing this appointment was a "heretic and destroyer" in 2010, and further statements by Father reaffirming this selection in 2011 and 2012.  

        We all know that within weeks of Father's passing, Mother fired Hyung Jin Nim from all of his positions in Korea, but her opposition started long before.To put it simply, according to Mrs. Eu, Mother was NOT united with Father's selection of Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor going back MANY YEARS.
       I know of a Korean sister who was serving in the Hannam-dong residence of True Parents in Seoul who was in tears when she saw portraits of True Parents being taken down after Father's Seonghwa and replaced with solo portraits of Mother by herself.
        Theologians tell us we must believe that True Parents are absolutely "one." What happens when there is clear testimony from a respected elder who attended True Parents from the earliest days and who was married to the church president, that this was not the case? What do you do when the facts conflict with your deepest hopes and beliefs? Do you close your lying eyes and ears or OPEN them and deal with the painful truth? 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Praise Service at Unification Sanctuary HQ

In Sunday's spirit-filled service Hyung Jin Nim called for a celebration of the victory of the Ancestor Liberation and Blessing event held on December 6, as he explained Father always did after a providential victory. No longer would Japanese brothers and sisters be exploited in a racially discriminatory way by being charged $180,000 to liberate 210 generations of their ancestors, ten times more than brothers and sisters in other countries. 
Hyung Jin Nim called upon brothers and sister to cast out fear and worry of any kind through praise and worship. Even though we may fighting battles of all kinds, we can feel the joy of God. 
      After Father's passing and their realization about the totalitarian intent of CheongPyeong, Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim listed to Gospel and Praise music for several hours with tears and praise for God and Father's life.  
      Hyung Jin Nim used to love to go into leaders' meetings and lay his head on Father's stomach, breaking all the rules of etiquette. This freed Father to give more love. After the challenging victory of the Ancestor Liberation he had a dream of skipping through the woods with Father. 

      We become what we worship. If we worship knowledge, we will become focused on knowing things. If we worship God, we become more like Him. We can become less dependent on feelings or worry about what others are thinking of us, hearing only the voice of our Creator and what He says about us, rebuking the other voices that seek to control us. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Rhroric vs. Reality

Many brothers and sisters have told me that Hyung Jin Nim is violating what they think should be his highest priority, which is unity with Mother, and within the True Family and the Unification community. This has led me to reflect on the question, "what is Father's idea of unity?"
We all know how often Father spoke about the importance of the
unification of North and South Korea. I recently heard an account of Father's meeting 14 years ago, in December 1991, with Kim Il Sung, the North Korean "absolute leader" who had imprisoned Father in the Hungnam death camp for nearly 3 years (1948-1950).
According to this testimony, Father stayed up all night before the meeting, agonizing about what God required him to do the next day. The first meeting was with high North Korean government officials. Father did not take too long with initial greetings and pleasantries. He suddenly began to tell them that if North Korea did not abandon its godless "juche" ideology and acknowledge the reality and authority of the living God, Kim Il Sung and his Communist regime would be judged and destroyed. I'm told that several church leaders at the meeting were so scared about what would happen to all of them that some of them lost control of their bodily fluids, requiring a change of their underwear.
However, when Father did meet with Kim Il Sung, the man who had imprisoned him and caused the deaths of millions, they warmly embraced. Soon thereafter several joint projects were launched between the Unification Movement and the North Korean government. My friend believes that the bloodthirsty dictator Kim Il Sung's direct experience with the living Christ and the spirit of God that day profoundly moved him.
What can we learn from this? Father's understanding of the path to unity has nothing to do with humanistic strategies in which people say pleasing things they think their opponent wants to hear. His first concern was to tell the truth. On this foundation of absolute faith, love, and obedience, God was able to work and to bring about a unity which is truly centered on Him.
Hyung Jin Nim also speaks strongly. What else would you expect from a son of True Father who feels a deep obligation to protect his Father's words and legacy from a profound violation?
Some long-standing friends of mine, whom I have known for decades, have cut off all contact with me and other brothers and sisters who support Hyung Jin Nim. They have apparently been directed by the Family Federation to do so. One sister whose husband believes that Hyung Jin Nim is doing God's will recently gave him divorce papers. In Korea and Japan members have been kicked out of the Family Federation for attending Sanctuary events or showing insufficient enthusiasm for Mother's "innovations." In Japan, where liberating the required 210 generations of ancestors through Cheongpyeong cost more than $180,000, they have now been directed by Mother to liberate another 210 generations.
Such hardball tactics belie the Family Federation's veneer of "benevolence," but they are backfiring. Last Sunday Hyung Jin Nim exercised his authority as the anointed heir and successor of True Parents to liberate 210 generations of ancestors of 1,000 families from Korea, Japan, America, and many other countries around the world. Brothers and sisters donated whatever they felt led to give, not an onerous "tax" that has led some families to bankruptcy and even suicide.
Even if you disagree with what you think Hyung Jin Nim is saying, I would urge you to take a deeper look, beyond the harsh words that may shock you. As with the example of Father's declaration in Pyeongyang, God's words are not always sweet, and words that are sweet are not always from God.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Je Ju Do FFWPU Leaders' New DP

Here is the much-discussed diagram from a Je Ju Do leaders workshop that took place earlier this year with the Japanese words replaced with English. Whether you think this is describing the process of the Fall or the results of the Fall, I think the MOST interesting new term that I’ve never heard in any Divine Principle workshop is “God’s Adulterous Husband.” Why is this new term being used? Does it not reflect the Family Federation’s view that Father had unprincipled relationships with other women, that Father could not control himself and that it was Mother who saved him? Isn’t that why Eve is shown OUTSIDE the circle of Satan’s influence? And doesn’t this align with Mother’s view that she was born as the sinless Only Begotten Daughter?

Richard A. Panzer's photo.

I think that all Unificationists need to make a crucial decision at this time in our lives. We have heard about the women that Father had relations with, often referred to as the “6 Marys.” I believe we each have to decide whether we believe that Father had those relationships out of uncontrolled, fallen sexual desire or out of a principled motivation.
Some of you know that my wife, Miho, lived at East Garden for 10 years, serving Father and Mother directly, at all times of the day or night. Miho has told me several times that she NEVER saw or felt anything unprincipled coming from Father, that in fact Father was the most holy person. She could even hear him praying in his sleep. I am posting her testimony below for your reference.
But you decide—was Father the Second Coming of Christ, the True Adam who restored an Eve from a fallen lineage, making the way for all of humanity to be restored? Or was he a hypocrite who spoke about Absolute Sex, but could not control his own sexual desire? That is the dividing line.
Autumn Memories at East Garden
by Miho Panzer
Almost all of the leaves are gone. The mornings and evenings are getting cold. The autumn season is ending soon. I am missing True Father a lot.
I spent ten years at East Garden serving True Parents. In the afternoons Father used to come down from his room. On the first floor by the entrance there was a fireplace. I used to wrap sweet potatoes in aluminum foil and put them into the fire for an hour. Then I would take them, still very hot, with steam coming out, and offer two or three to Father. He would peel off the aluminum foil and then the skin. Blowing on a sweet potato to cool it off, he would start to slowly eat it. I could see he was remembering when he used to eat "koguma" cooked on hot stones as a snack when he was a boy.
Father was very sensitive. If the sisters who were cooking food for him were angry or fighting with each other, even if there were many delicious dishes on the table, he would refuse to touch any of them, asking instead for instant "Noguri" ramen.
Father would never go to bed earlier than midnight and then sleep no more than three hours. Even then, I saw many times that he was praying in his sleep. Often, early in the morning, he would go to holy ground to pray, even if it was bitter cold.
He liked to play a game of pool during the day, sometimes for many hours. I would offer him a chair, but he always refused to sit down. By the end of the afternoon, his legs would be thick and swollen. Even playing a billiards game, he was setting a condition, thinking of front-line brothers and sisters who could not sit down or relax.
One time I was struggling in my life of faith, even thinking to end my life. I packed my bags and without telling anyone was walking to the East Garden entrance, planning to go to a lonely spot to carry out my plan, but somehow Father knew what was going on in my heart and called the security guards saying that he was looking for me and telling them to stop me at the entrance if I was trying to leave. I can say that Father saved my life that day.
Father's life was full of prayer, day and night. He was the most holy person I have ever met. I miss him every day, but I know he is watching and working hard at our side with us, even now.

(FB post by Richard Panzer)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Seeking One Addam

The last six millennia have been a history of seeking and re-creating one Adam. Eve cannot be created without Adam. This is why God is creating one man, Adam. This is why you must follow me. The blood and flesh of countless people who came and went on the road of the providence of restoration had to be used as material for this purpose. The resentment of zillions of spirit people must be consolidated here. Then on the day of the advent of the incarnation of Adam, the martyrs who shed their blood and died under extreme persecution will feel their value for the first time.
(29-271, 1970.3.11) CSG 723

Sunday, November 8, 2015


(Richard Panzer)

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Gen. 3:1

God can say, "If I had not made humanity, they would not have become the way they are. How could this happen when I was searching for love and longing for the glorious Kingdom of Heaven!" How could this happen? It was because they inherited the devil's flesh and blood. The devil's love was implanted, along with the roots of his life and lineage. God could not possess humanity without removing these things, but if He did remove them they would die. Therefore, God had to set up a substitute as a second creation or medium of salvation through an infusion of new blood, life, and love. CSG, p. 137

Before I discuss Hyung Jin Nim's brilliant exploration in his Nov. 8 sermon of how different reproductive strategies (lineage) impacts our lives, values, and politics, I'd like to express my appreciation to the Family Federation.

Congratulations to the FFWPU! 
Congratulations to the FFWPU. After redacting Father's words, now it has turned its editing skills to redacting Mother's words. In the original Korean text of Mother's October 24 speech, she says, "In conclusion, Korea produced the Second Coming of Christ, the Only Begotten Daughter." In the first Japanese translation of the speech, this is also what appears. 
      But then in the English translation posted on the Cheongpyeong website the word "and" is inserted between "Second Coming of Christ" and "Only Begotten Daughter," resulting in "In conclusion, Korea produced the Second Coming of Christ AND the Only Begotten Daughter.
    Seeing the American translation, the FFWPU then issued a revised Japanese translation in which they also inserted an "and." A good example of the mother nation uniting with the Elder Son nation in rejecting the heretical  proclamation that Mother, as the Only Begotten Daughter, is the awaited Second Coming of Christ, not True Father. 
     Good job, FFWPU in America and Japan! Even they know that Mother's new Only Begotten Daughter theology is unacceptable, unbiblical and unprincipled, and therefore the need to "polish" her speech. Also, interesting that the only mention of True Father in Mother's speech is his role as a "gardener" in finding an "udambara" flower.  To see the speech in Korean, Japanese, and English, go to: 10-24-2015 Cheongpyeong Speech, (quote on bottom of page 6) 
Returning to Hyung Jin Nim's sermon, he began by returning to the previous week's theme of Female Responsibility Avoidance Syndrome, in which women are always portrayed as victims, never as the perpetrators of violence or wrong
decisions. Yet, research reveals that women perpetrate half of all domestic violence incidents Clearly both sexes have a potential for violence. Since mothers do most of the parenting for young children, there is a real potential for negative impact on children of mothers administering "emotional corporate punishment," out of irritation, frustration or a loss of control. Such children become more likely to engage in antisocial and impulsive behavior themselves. 
     The cultural bias against men has led to male college students hesitating to date women, out of fear they will be blamed for offending them. 
    Hyung Jin Nim discusses research about 2 differing reproductive
strategies, quantity vs. quality. Rabbits and antelopes reach maturity quickly, reproduce repeatedly, with little care or investment for each of the offspring with single parenthood as the norm. In an unpredictable environment, with little defense against predators, this "r-strategy" is effective for weaker animal species such as rabbits and deer that are unable to defend themselves. They display little or no sadness when one of their group is eaten by a predator. 
    Other animal species, such as lions, wolves, and owls, have a "K-strategy," in 
which they embrace competition in order to better prepare for recognized threats in the world, have high investment in offspring, have delayed monogamous pair-bonding, and high-in group loyalty. Those who deviate from the honor codes are ostracized in order to maintain unity and order that protects the survival of the pack. K represents "carrying capacity" for larger animals higher in the food chain which reproduce slowly in order to protect offspring and not exhaust limited food sources. Mating partners must prove their worth, often through fights among the males. Such is the case for cuttle fish, except for a few males who pretend to be female in order to mate with the females. 
    For humans we pass on not just unchangeable genes, but also the "epigenetics" of unlocked traits affected by our choices. Eve's decisions during the spiritual Fall affected her DNA. 
K-type humans build civilizations. Competition leads them to prove their worth to the community and to excel. They protect their families from threats and invest in their children at great personal sacrifice. They are willing to provide aid and charity to the deserving poor who have encountered a tragedy.
 While they are conservatives who value economic freedom, they on average contribute more to charity. They have strong honor codes.
   R-type humans avoid competition. Their motto is "make love, not war." They are opportunistic exploiters and prefer government transfers of resources including "sex subsidies" in which the government incentivizes free sex with payments to pregnant women with no committed husband. They hate ostracism because they don't want standards that would reduce the availability of sex partners and therefore the continuation of their genes. 
    "R" gene sets proliferate with unstable environments, especially with absent fathers and abusive fathers or mothers. With less parental investment the children reach puberty at earlier ages in order to reproduce in an unstable environment. Research shows they even have smaller amygdalas, 
 thus reducing their ability to recognize threats and unhealthy behaviors and less ability to empathize with others. R-types prefer sexual freedom to economic freedom, desiring more government aid and sex education that minimizes the risks of uncommitted sex and lowers standards. 
   Lucifer was an "r-strategist" who advocated fulfilling immediate desires rather than thinking and preparing for the future. This has led to the epigenetics or the lineage of "satan" that True Father denounced so many times. Fortunately, if someone from a satanic lineage encounters Christ, learning new ways of thinking and living, it is possible to change one's epigenetics to God's lineage, from a Free Sex to an Absolute Sex lifestyle. For more about "R gene set vs. the K gene set" strategies, go to

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Myth of Female Moral Superiority

If I became half crazy, took off my clothes and urinated right there, I wonder how many would remain. Why? You do not know how terrible the path was that I took. This you do not know. Even Mother here does not know. Therefore, many spiritualist ladies cry tearfully in pity for me. If I do not say this, who would know? You do not know how serious the problems were that I have confronted, and how much I have had to fight with spirit and body. Sun Myung Moon (210-81, 1990.12.1)

All of Korean history was to await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter. Hak Ja Han, October 24, 2015

You don't have to be religious to understand the value of a strong, healthy marriage and its benefits for children and society. In Sunday's sermon, "The Foundations of CIG," Hyung Jin Nim describes the strong and healthy 4 position foundation as the "SWAT team against Satan," that creates empowered, moral men and women who are the basis of a free society. 
 Every totalitarian society targets strong "pair-bonding" because it fears that loyalty to one's family will diminish loyalty to the state. For that reason Karl Marx and Communist societies sought to undermine the family in order to make people dependent upon centralized government. 
Without unity of husband and wife, Satan invades. This is true for all families. God calls husbands to be vigilant protectors of their household. The number one factor for child poverty, suicide, and delinquency is the absence of fathers. In modern-day America, many men fear taking responsibility. Each gender has vulnerabilities that Satan seeks to exploit. 
Contemporary feminist culture often belittles boys and manhood
   This is also true on a societal level. Some cultures devalue women, preventing them from having access to education or even basic human rights. On the opposite end, western feminists, who dominate much of higher education, blame patriarchy for all of society's problems and idealize matriarchy as the ideal. They see men as the root of selfishness, greed, lust, aggression, violence and war. If women were in charge, they say, we would have charity, selflessness, purity, healthy communication, non-violence and peace. 
     The fact that women perpetrate half of all domestic violence incidents is ignored by these ideologues. Clearly both sexes have a potential for violence. Since mothers do most of the parenting for young children, there is a real potential for negative impact on children of mothers administering "emotional corporate punishment," out of irritation, frustration or a loss of control. Such children become more likely to engage in antisocial and impulsive behavior themselves. 
    Sadly, the Family Federation is embracing much of this ideology. Feminist UTS theologian Andrew Wilson is speaking around the country about the Family Federation's vision of "The Age of Women," effectively endorsing a non-Biblical idolatry based on feminist power analysis. (see my critique
  A new FFWPU lecture series for leadership training in Korea and Japan actually teaches a new version of the Genesis story in which Adam was dominated by Satan first. One can se
e can see why the authors of the FFWPU constitution would not want to include the Divine Principle as a key scripture of CIG since it contradicts this new teaching.  

  In Mother's new feminist theology, all of Christian history and Korean history was waiting for her appearance as the Lord of the Second Advent. In her speech to FFWPU leaders and members on October 24, Mother explained that all "2,000 years of Christian history was to make the foundation to find the Only Begotten Daughter" and that all of Korean history was to "await the birth of the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter."
     We all have loved and respected Mother, but I know who the Lord of the Second Advent is. Since Mother is raising herself up as the "Lord of the Second Advent" should a conscientious Unificationist just blindly follow this new Han Mother theology? I know what my conscience tells me...
      At the conclusion of the sermon, Yeonah Nim reflected about her own parenting practices and a revealing statement from her 5 year-old son. Here is the link again for this 

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23

Thoughts on Constitutions and Leadership

Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the blood line that was defied by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come. Without his coming, there will be no restoration of lineage. CSG p. 127

In Sunday's sermon, "The Kingdom of Christ" Hyung Jin Nim shared about his personal struggles in 2012 as he began to understand Mother's intentions to change many of Father's core teachings and his efforts to persuade her in private that doing so would split the church. 

He also discussed the profound differences between the Family Federation's CIG Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution he proclaimed on October 11, which includes the 3 articles Father declared in the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship on January 13, 2001 to not stain the blessed blood lineage through uncommitted sex, to not violate human rights, and to not steal public funds. 

Whereas FFWPU'S CIG constitution lacks safeguards to protect freedoms and contains no checks and balances on the power of its "Supreme Council," the Sanctuary's CIG Constitution has numerous checks and balances on the powers of each branch of government. It is a real Kingdom with a real King, but even his power is limited, with no power over a military and no power to tax, raise revenue, or over government spending. The King's power essentially comes from his practicing a principled, Godly, and moral life. 

He also discussed modern culture's war to redefine the man-woman relationship and to undermine the authority and responsibility of men in their families. Government policies that reward having children outside of marriage end up making more and more women and their families so dependent on the government that it could be said that they are "married to the government," instead of to an actual man. But in a "gender-neutral world," it is the children who often pay the highest price, with increased risk for suicide, crime, and problems in school. 

Yeonah Nim shared about her experience encountering feminist viewpoints at a woman's college and how the powerful emotional gifts of women impact relationships and the "atmosphere" in the family. 
